Monday, August 25, 2014

My Favorite Superfood

I am a seafood junkie. I grew up with the Atlantic ocean in a short driving distance, and now live a few miles from the Pacific. Both my father and brother are fishing obsessed, and missing their fresh caught dinners inspired me to post about my favorite superfood, salmon. This fish is so nutrient dense, and versatile. Grill it, bake it, BBQ it, chill it, the recipes are endless.  My go to meal prep with my 9-5 schedule is pretty simple – some lemon, some garlic, olive oil, baked for about 15-20 minutes until the fish flakes easily with a fork. I bake it in bulk, and then refrigerate half of it. I use the fish as a great protein addition to salads, as it pairs wonderfully with some feta cheese and olives, and occasionally some good white wine. The health benefits are pretty spectacular- but try to stick to the sockeye as opposed to farm raised salmon for max benefits. 

  • Omega 3s: omegas are great for inflammation, brain power, and skin care
  • high quality protein without the red meat
  • heart health
  • skin care: can even fight acne!
  • high in vitamin D: we can also use a little extra D especially during the winter months- salmon contains an entire days worth 
  • contains selenium: protects skin from sun exposure 

My Love/Hate Relationship with Running

Let’s be real, running sucks. No matter how much I want to love it, I still revert back to the basic fact that running sucks. I am swimmer so this whole soaked in sweat, feet pounding pavement thing is a serious adjustment I had to make… but I’ll admit it, it’s growing on me. My advice to readers is to take it slow and set weekly goals for yourself. Don’t expect to throw on those Nikes and start running a 5k in a matter of days, these things take time. Personally, I started with a run/walk for a mile a day until I gradually started getting more comfortable with it. I will never be a long distance runner, but nowadays I am putting in at least two miles of steady running (sometimes jogging) a day. So what keeps me motivated?

Rise and shine: Getting my run in before work. Although it is so much easier to hit the snooze button, I have found I have a longer and more productive run when I wake up and go for it. Not only do I not have to dread the fact that I still have to exercise after a long work day,  but I also have improved energy levels throughout the day. Also, at 6am I get to catch some pretty awesome sunrises.

 Have a playlist ready: Music can make all the difference during a run. Find your own soundtrack, sometimes that  upbeat groove is all it takes to push an extra mile. Some of my steady “go to” pick me up songs? Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing and Lupe Fiasco’s The Show Goes On 
Track your progress: Apps like Runkeeper and Map my Run are great tools to help track your running journey. You’d be surprised how motivating it is to see you went that extra mile (pun intended)
Get the right shoes!: This is a must, I know we are all on a budget, but a good pair of running sneakers can make all the difference, and last for long time. Most sporting goods stores have experienced reps to help in this process of learning which shoe is best for you.

Will I ever consider myself a runner? No, probably not. But hey, I am better than I was yesterday.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

All about the Macros

I have found a new bar obsession! Macrobars are my new favorite cubicle snack. The only spot I have found them at is Whole Foods, but you can also order online. What makes these bars so great?

Plant based protein
Gluten free
 Macrobiotic friendly – feeding your body nutrient dense calories
Vegan , organic, and kosher aka California friendly
 Family owned business 

The fats in these bars are derived from nuts and seeds, so they are rich in those good fats, including Omegas. Although the carb levels seemed fairly high to me in comparison to quest or other whey protein sources, the carbs come from whole grains only, so they aren’t detrimental to weight loss goals. My favorite flavor has been the cashew butter, but the banana and almond butter is a close second. I highly recommend checking these bars out.

Cheat Clean

Weekday nights are a great opportunity to kick back post work grind and eat a good hearty and healthy meal. So what’s been on the menu for me? Good old pasta and meatballs – with a healthy twist! Zucchini noodles work as a fantastic substitute for pasta. The consistency holds up well when stir-fried and it still gives you that comfort food satisfaction. I don’t eat red meat, so the chicken meatballs are always a go to for me. Both Trader Joes and Whole Foods make a great pre-made chicken ball, which requires less work for me in the kitchen… and less room for error. This “pasta” meal works best with a pesto, but I have also used lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, and parsley as a good sauce. And let’s not forget the best part – some good parmesan to top.  

Monday, August 18, 2014

West Coast Living! The Next Chapter.

Wow, what a ride these past few months have been. My job has recently landed me in sunny San Diego and it’s an absolutely breath taking place to start a new life. After some painful goodbyes to my family, I have taken this adventure head on, and loving every second of it. Now let me just say, moving to California has also been extremely eye opening in terms of health and vitality…. Everyone here is in shape!! It is vastly different from the world of fast food and Philly cheesesteaks that I am used to, with yogi masters and acai bowls around every corner, it makes it easy to adapt to the lifestyle.

Since moving here a month and a half ago I have trimmed down significantly, and realized one very important lesson – snacking kills progress. Living at my parents’ house in NJ the last month before I moved was very detrimental to my fitness progress, as I was in close proximity to snack foods and binge triggers. Little did I realize just how much those handfuls of excess calories were adding up.  Once I settled into my new home and went to put on the bikini, I realized just how much work had to be done. That mindless snacking had my shorts fitting too tightly and my confidence at an all time low. Instead of dwelling on the flaws and eating my feelings, I knew it was time to put some work in.

The past month I have slimmed down and toned back up, and realized just how much emphasis is put on diet and less on the work out. Although I still exercise daily, I have been focusing more on the snacking and less on the lifting to see progress. The good news is this can be done without sacrificing too much.
Here are a few tips I have learned upon moving to the healthy city of San Diego:

Avoid late night snacking: try brushing your teeth after dinner, this helps with cravings
Don't buy the junk food - if you don't have it, you can't eat it
Give into cravings upon occasion - I still eat frozen yogurt twice a week, but I walk there instead of drive
Find healthy alternatives to snack on if you need it: I use almond butter when I want something salty and savory
Acai bowls really are delicious and California really is beautiful.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Step Aside, Quest!

If you are a reader of mine, you know I am a huge fan of Quest protein bars, with their clean ingredients and delicious flavors. However, this Spring, there’s a new protein in town.. About Time. Working an office job, I am always looking for new bars to snack on when temptation inevitably arrives. But, unfortunately, most bars on the market today are more harmful than they are good, with artificial ingredients and high sugar content.
So why choose About Time?
-They use protein that is easy on the stomach and high quality with just six 100% natural ingredients
- NO artificial sugar or sweeteners – each bar is sweetened with stevia  (that means no sucralose either!)
- They taste good….and unlike popular brands such as Special k or Cliff, these bars are delicious AND satisfying.  You aren’t left with hunger pains an hour after, and the sugars come from a natural source.
-They are gluten and dairy free!!! – Because, let’s face it, gluten gets a bad rep.
-Only 210 calories and 11 grams of protein

So, this Easter ditch the leftover peanut butter eggs and peeps, and snack on a protein bar that is both sweet like dessert and doesn’t leave you unbuttoning your jean

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Living in a Fast Food Nation

I am not a huge advocate of fast food, but I understand the appeal. It’s cheap and easy, and for better or worse, society has embraced it with open arms. I am trying to wrap my head the concept of “healthy fast food,” and although weary, I tried to compile a list of some of the best fast food out there. At the end of the day I will always stand by a homemade meal over any take out fast food choice, but here are some of the best options from popular vendors.

Small chili: 210 calories – high protein, low sugar and fat, full of fiber
      Ultimate Grilled Chicken sandwich with no sauce and a side salad : 400 calories
      Baked Potato- get your carbohydrates for the day, but hold the sour cream!
      Apple Pecan Chicken Salad- 570 calories

Grilled Market Salad- only 190 calories!
Char-grilled Chicken Sandwich – signature item, only 310 calories without the mayo
 Asian Salad- 330 calories, try with a reduced fat berry balsamic vinaigrette

Burger King
 Whopper Jr- Craving some beef? Without mayo this will only cost you 260 calories
Veggie Burger:  BK uses Morningstar patties, and without mayo they are 320 calories
Alaskan Fish Sandwich: Skip the tartar sauce and they are only 360 calories

Fruit and Maple Oatmeal: Good breakfast option with 32 grams of your daily whole grains
 Premium Mcwrap Grilled Sweet Chili: 360 calories, stick to the grilled wraps over the crispy
 Fruit and Yogurt Parfait: Perfect option for a sweet tooth craving or breakfast choice for only 150 calories

      Taco Bell
   Choose from the ‘fresco menu’ – all items under 350 calories and 10 grams of fat
   Fresco Burrito Supreme Chicken- White meat chicken, beans, pico de gallo
   Chicken Cantina Bowl- fresher ingredients, in veggie or chicken, watch out for over consumption of rice

With the Michael Phelps and various other athletic sponsors and introduction of the “fresh fit choices” it’s obvious Subway has picked up on the fit lifestyle. Some options include:
Turkey Breast on whole grain bread- try adding more veggies and less condiments
Turkey Breast Chopped salad- use dressing sparingly
 Spicy Tuna Salad- new option rich in Omegas and low calorie
Green Chili and Tomato Soup – When you want the comfort of a warm soup for 130 calories

A few tips:
      Always skip the mayo if possible
   ALWAYS choose water over soda
    If you can, BYOD (bring your own dressing)
   Choose hot sauce or spices over creamy spreads
   Choose chicken or veggies over beef