Friday, April 18, 2014

Step Aside, Quest!

If you are a reader of mine, you know I am a huge fan of Quest protein bars, with their clean ingredients and delicious flavors. However, this Spring, there’s a new protein in town.. About Time. Working an office job, I am always looking for new bars to snack on when temptation inevitably arrives. But, unfortunately, most bars on the market today are more harmful than they are good, with artificial ingredients and high sugar content.
So why choose About Time?
-They use protein that is easy on the stomach and high quality with just six 100% natural ingredients
- NO artificial sugar or sweeteners – each bar is sweetened with stevia  (that means no sucralose either!)
- They taste good….and unlike popular brands such as Special k or Cliff, these bars are delicious AND satisfying.  You aren’t left with hunger pains an hour after, and the sugars come from a natural source.
-They are gluten and dairy free!!! – Because, let’s face it, gluten gets a bad rep.
-Only 210 calories and 11 grams of protein

So, this Easter ditch the leftover peanut butter eggs and peeps, and snack on a protein bar that is both sweet like dessert and doesn’t leave you unbuttoning your jean

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