Monday, February 18, 2013

Top Three Weight Loss Tips

It's already almost March, one month closer to bikini season. Bikini bodies are made in the Winter!

me late summer 2012

1. Stay away from calorie counting and dieting: This may seem unconventional, and I am certainly not advising to not pay attention to calorie intake. But, once you start using those fitness pal apps and celeb diets, you are forgetting that this is a lifestyle change. Diets are temporary, if you want results you need to change your mindset and your nutrition completely. Don't worry about how many calories you're eating, just make sure the calories are good. Try and eat clean, stay away from processed grains and snacks, eat for fuel.

2. Stay off the scale!!! : The only time I ever get my weight taken is at the doctors. I try and stay off the scale as much as possible, because it's not an accurate source to judging weight loss. Ever since I started incorporating strength training and continued the INSANITY program, I have gained five pounds. I have gained weight, yes, but I have dropped a pants size and went from a size medium shirt to an xs/small. Muscle DOES weigh more than fat, and if you are exercising properly and regularly in combination with a clean diet, you will lose the weight. Make sure to take a before picture, and keep a pair of jeans aside. Try the jeans on once a month, take another picture once a month. You'll see the differences in your body, regardless of the number on the scale. 

3.  Run, don't walk.: This last one I find incredibly important. We have been taught that any exercise is good exercise, and of course I agree with that. I'd rather see someone walk a mile than drive, or spend their lunch break on an elliptical instead of eating fast food. However, if you really want to trim that fat you need to get your heart rate up. If you usually walk at a medium pace for an hour each day, start cutting that time in half and running instead. Find your target heart rate, and try to maintain it. Also, don't rely completely on cardio. Cardio is important for weight loss, but the toning up all comes with the strength training. 

Ditch the scale, delete your calorie counts, and get moving. 


  1. Kel, you are REALLY good at this. Scientific yet relatable. Keep it up! Cute name too :-)
