Monday, February 18, 2013

The best and worst on protein bars

Protein bars are becoming more and more popular as a quick on-the-go meal replacement or snack. Most make claims on being "all natural" and healthy, however, a disturbing amount of bars on the market are unhealthy and packed with artificial ingredients. I chose to focus on both Quest and Cliff bars, based on popularity and comparable factors. Now here's the surprise, the cliff bar is one of the WORST bars you can purchase. If you aren't planning on running a 10k or doing a triathlon, the sugar content in Cliff bars is off the chart and unnecessary. They are 240 calories, not bad.... but 23 grams of sugar and 43g of carb. To put that in perspective for you, one regular sized Hershey's chocolate bar has 22 grams of sugar. On top of that, the Cliff bar only packs on 10 grams of protein, not much when other protein sources usually have 20-30g.

But, don't fear! You don't have to sacrifice laziness and ditch the bar completely, there is one great option... Quest bars. They are not as popular as others such as Luna or Cliff, but they are packed with protein (20g) and most either have a small amount of sugar alcohols or no sugar at all. They also contain half the amount of carbs as the competitors. They are 170 calories and have a variety of awesome flavors such as strawberry cheesecake, banana nut muffin, and cinnamon roll. Who needs a boring chocolate chip cliff bar when you can have coconut cashew? The only disadvantage I have noticed with the Quest bars is they do contain up to 16g of fiber. That's a whole lot of fiber. But, it definitely keeps you full.

So, next time you're grabbing your protein bar at the local store make sure you check the ingredients, I don't know about you but if I am better off eating a snickers bar over a protein bar, I'll pass.


  1. cliff bars are not meant to be used a source of protein intake. especially because protein is the body's third and last source of energy. they focus on packing a lot of raw energy (carbs and fat) into a small portion for people who are tight on space, typically athletes spending hours-days in the outdoors. real athletes want all the calories they can get. it's a great product

  2. Yes that is true, but they are found in the protein bar section of most, if not all, stores. So, people who aren't aware will look at them just the same. I wrote this for those who are looking more for a protein source/meal replacement, watching calorie intake, and trying to stay clean. The first ingredient is sugar. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I know alot of people that would make that same argument. Thanks for posting!

  3. I LOVE Quest Bars and agree with you!!
