Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dig Deeper!!

Along with a diet and lifestyle change, the INSANITY 60 day conditioning program was a HUGE factor in my weight loss. I am in the best shape of my life because of Shaun T, so naturally I had to dedicate a post to promoting this program. I have been doing Insanity for a year now. The first time I did the program I stuck to the calendar and did the discs in order of which they were supposed to be done. I had muscle definition in places I didn't know I had muscles. I now do only the hardest discs 3-4 times a week in combination with running and strength training. I used to be a competitive swimmer. At my heaviest weight in college I was obsessive over what I ate, and swam at least 60 laps daily at the gym. When most people were sleeping in, I was trecking through the Boston snow to get to the gym and get my work out in. That was the most frustrating part, I was dedicated and trying, but couldn't lose the fat. It's because I wasn't pushing myself hard enough in the pool. The Insanity program made me push my body to new levels and "dig deeper." This program is no joke, but you WILL get results from it.

The program is split into ten discs, two months. Shaun T uses Max Interval Training. He uses the traditional interval training of short, intense sprints followed by long rest periods and does the opposite. He combines long (usually 3 minute) intense cardio and conditioning with 30 second short rests. There are no weights needed, he makes sure you use your body to create the best body you can have. This means that you don't need to purchase anything but the program.... and maybe an extra sweatband or two.

Some advice: don't forget to take a before and after picture!! I made the mistake of being too ashamed to take a before picture, and I regret it all the time. I went from 155-130 pounds and have been maintaining with it since. Also make sure you drink plenty of water. You will sweat harder than you ever have before. Push your body, don't give up. If you need to, do the program with someone else. The motivation back and forth may help you take less rests. But, if you need to, stop for a second, grab your water, catch your breath, and then continue. You are capable of being in great shape.

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