Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Guilt Free Wine & Dine

When I graduated Emerson College two years ago, I tried to leave the cafeteria food, frozen dinners, 2am pizza, poor diet, and buffet lines back in Boston. However, there are definitely still some nights when all i want is a good friend, some laughs, and some restaurant food porn. Society has become increasingly aware of the obesity crisis and healthy options are more tangible. However, there are still some basic ways to cut those unwanted calories and enjoy your dining experience without having to unbutton your pants or end the night in a food coma. 

Rule #1: Don't drink your calories: Always stick to water. Drinking one full glass of water before a big meal can help slow down the eating process, and get your fuller faster. Why spend that extra two bucks on a soda when you can help increase your metabolism and hydrate for free?

Rule #2: The booze: Offer to be the designated driver and you can avoid this completely, but if you feel compelled to get your buzz on try to stick to a red/white wine or vodka soda. Yes, Sex in the City makes those Cosmos pair perfectly with the gossip, but they have absolutely no nutritional value (sorry, the added fruit garnish is not a justification.)

Rule #3: Say no to the bread!! : Self explanatory, don't even look at those free dinner rolls. 

Rule #4: Skip the appetizer: This is a hard one for me, because I usually dine out later than my normal expected dinner time and my stomach lets me know. I drool over the dips and finger foods screaming my name from the first page of the menu. But, remember your entree is coming only about fifteen minutes after the appetizer. Sip on your water, distract yourself with conversation, and if you feel you can't resist, stick to a small salad with a light dressing on the side. 

Rule #5: Stick to the green sides: Most of the time we don't pay attention to the side dishes offered, because we are so focused on what we ordered. Most entrees come with options for both a carb and vegetable side. Although carbs are not your enemy, the selections in restaurants are usually pretty unhealthy. If possible try to order two vegetables, or just one side.

Rule #6: You don't have to clear your plate: This isn't a competition, you don't HAVE to finish all of the food on your plate. 

Rule #7: BYOD: Bring your own dessert. You're already full, why pack on an extra 600-800 calories on a sliver of pie. I usually pack a small portion of dark chocolate, or order a coffee. This way you are still part of the dessert experience, without having to sacrifice diet.

I know these rules aren't for everyone. Sometimes, you need to let go and have a cheat meal. But, even by following just one or two of these tips, you can slice off hundreds of calories and grams of sugar without even noticing the difference. 

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