Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cheat Clean

Weekday nights are a great opportunity to kick back post work grind and eat a good hearty and healthy meal. So what’s been on the menu for me? Good old pasta and meatballs – with a healthy twist! Zucchini noodles work as a fantastic substitute for pasta. The consistency holds up well when stir-fried and it still gives you that comfort food satisfaction. I don’t eat red meat, so the chicken meatballs are always a go to for me. Both Trader Joes and Whole Foods make a great pre-made chicken ball, which requires less work for me in the kitchen… and less room for error. This “pasta” meal works best with a pesto, but I have also used lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, and parsley as a good sauce. And let’s not forget the best part – some good parmesan to top.  

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