Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Resist the Binge

Left when I binged frequently, Right when I learned how to say no.

The basics: It's important to lay out exactly what I mean by "binging." This is not splurging on a cheat meal or a few slices of pizza with your friends, this is stuffing your face for all of the wrong reasons. I used to be a victim of the binge, and still slip up from time to time. Binging is usually triggered emotionally. I binged when I was upset, stressed, or feeling discouraged… anything but hungry. Not only are the hundreds, sometimes thousands, of empty calories consumed unhealthy, but the guilt and depression that comes post-binge is what makes this disorder so dangerous. Unlike bulimia, binging does not lead to purging. The binge leaves nothing but negative feelings and low self esteem. Triggers come abruptly. Therefore, I wanted to break down some strategies for resisting the binge.
  • Get enough sleep: Sundays were my worst enemy. The "day of rest" in your 20s is sometimes only lazy due to the lack of sleep from the weekend adventures. Your body does not react to this sleeplessness well, in fact you actually crave carbohydrates most when you are overtired. Instead of going to the pantry, I have learned the value of a good power nap.
  • Take a walk: Feel like you can't get that fridge out of your mind? Go for a walk. Sometimes all it takes is a redirection or change of focus to stop a binge.
  • Chew gum: Chewing gum can satisfy the oral fixation that comes with overeating.
  • Keep a food diary: You're less likely to keep eating if you take the time to write down all of the damage done.
  • Find support!: You'd be surprised how many others suffer from this disorder. You don't have to seek out a meeting or hotline to find support, social media offers a variety of different sources for bingers, and sometimes all you need to do is a call a friend.
Ok, I get it. All of this can be easier said than done. Can't fight the willpower? The solution could be simple… binge on the good stuff. Pull out all of the vegetables in your fridge and go to town. Am I saying this will curb your desire to binge? Maybe not, but the time spent on the good stuff can balance the bad, and stop some of the extra calories consumed later on. 

My most important rule of thumb --- If you couldn't resist, learn to move on. Be better than you were yesterday. Focus on your progress and move forward.

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