Thursday, February 28, 2013

Patience is the key to success

January 2012-January 2013
March 1st 2013

Just wanted to post to all who have been discouraged with their progress. Whether your goal is to slim down, bulk up, or anything in between, these things take time. Don't give up and reach for the junk. Stay determined, motivated, and focused. If you happen to have a bad day, try not to wake up and carry the guilt the whole day. Hit the weights, turn up the cardio, incorporate the clean eating, and don't look back.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dr. Oz & Weight Loss - the new PB&J

It's a 'whatever Oz says goes' kind of decade. Dr. Oz endorsements are heavily commercialized, but also backed up with medical evidence and focus groups. These are three natural supplements he promotes that I also have taken and researched:

 Green coffee bean
It's hard to walk into any nutrition store without hearing the buzz on the green coffee bean. It contains a class of compounds known as hydroxycinnamic acids, more specifically Chlorogenic Acid, which is an effective weight loss agent. The green coffee helps break down fats, carbohydrates, and sugars while also boosting metabolism. It should be taken 2-3 times daily and 30 minutes before meals. The benefit of the green coffee bean is that it does not have stimulants, so you don't get the typical weight loss pill jitters. Make sure you purchase one that does not have fillers. You can find it at GNC for $29.99.

The reason I picked Cellucor's CLK is because it combines four different weight loss agents in a non-stimulant supplement. This is always my go-to when people ask for a caffiene free option. Not only does it contain Carnitine, which I have previously posted the advantages of, but also CLA, raspberry keytones, and 7-Keto, all of which are endorsed by Dr. Oz. You can get this product as a 30 or 45 day supply ranging from $50-75.

Garcinia Cambogia
This is Dr. Oz's newest addition to the weight loss hall of fame. Similar to the green coffee bean, it is used to support appetite control and metabolize fats. The secret ingredient is the Hydroxycitric Acid. Since it derives from native fruit, there are no stimulants in this product. You also take it once or twice daily before meals. 

Like I always say, these products are not miracle pills. But, in combination with diet and excerise they can help you reach your goals. They all take about a month to really start seeing results, so stick with it and stay dedicated. Three months until bikini season!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dig Deeper!!

Along with a diet and lifestyle change, the INSANITY 60 day conditioning program was a HUGE factor in my weight loss. I am in the best shape of my life because of Shaun T, so naturally I had to dedicate a post to promoting this program. I have been doing Insanity for a year now. The first time I did the program I stuck to the calendar and did the discs in order of which they were supposed to be done. I had muscle definition in places I didn't know I had muscles. I now do only the hardest discs 3-4 times a week in combination with running and strength training. I used to be a competitive swimmer. At my heaviest weight in college I was obsessive over what I ate, and swam at least 60 laps daily at the gym. When most people were sleeping in, I was trecking through the Boston snow to get to the gym and get my work out in. That was the most frustrating part, I was dedicated and trying, but couldn't lose the fat. It's because I wasn't pushing myself hard enough in the pool. The Insanity program made me push my body to new levels and "dig deeper." This program is no joke, but you WILL get results from it.

The program is split into ten discs, two months. Shaun T uses Max Interval Training. He uses the traditional interval training of short, intense sprints followed by long rest periods and does the opposite. He combines long (usually 3 minute) intense cardio and conditioning with 30 second short rests. There are no weights needed, he makes sure you use your body to create the best body you can have. This means that you don't need to purchase anything but the program.... and maybe an extra sweatband or two.

Some advice: don't forget to take a before and after picture!! I made the mistake of being too ashamed to take a before picture, and I regret it all the time. I went from 155-130 pounds and have been maintaining with it since. Also make sure you drink plenty of water. You will sweat harder than you ever have before. Push your body, don't give up. If you need to, do the program with someone else. The motivation back and forth may help you take less rests. But, if you need to, stop for a second, grab your water, catch your breath, and then continue. You are capable of being in great shape.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How to incorporate the clean eats

Clean eating has been a proven solution for weight loss. A simple concept really, stay away from all processed foods and maintain a steady diet of nutrient-packed super foods and lose weight. However, if it were that easy to stay clear of the bad stuff we'd all be wearing bikinis to the grocery store. Here's a few ways to either replace the processed foods, or add a clean food to your diet:
  • Sugar: The number one enemy for someone trying to eat clean. However, there are substitutes. Try and stay away from artificial sweeteners like Splenda due to the high levels of aspartame, stick with stevia. You can buy packets for 10$ at GNC. You could also substitute sugar for natural honey or no-sugar added applesauce for baking. 
  • Switch your dairy up: Try using an unsweetened almond milk. All the benefits of milk while keeping clean!
  • Use greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream: Taco night? Swap out the heavy cream for an all natural and unsweetened greek yogurt. You'll still get the tangy taste without the extra processed calories. Plus, greek yogurt is known to help with bloating and digestion.
  • Swap your pasta for 1/4 quinoa or brown rice: Whole grains are a clean diet's partner in crime.
  • Add the healthy fats!: Try using avocado on your toast in the morning instead of butter, I made the switch a few months ago and actually prefer it now. Avocado isn't just a superfood for weight loss, but helps with skin too. Also try cooking with olive oil over margarine, butter, or canola oil.
  • Avoid the condiments when possible: Stay clear of mayo and ketchup. I am such a hot sauce junkie, and couldn't pass on some Siracha. But, use sparingly because some hot sauces do have added sugars and high sodium levels. Try tabasco when possible.
  • Pack on the vegetables: Veggies are low calorie and nutrient dense, try adding spinach to your eggs in the morning or broccoli to your dinner. 
  • Add flax seed: Sprinkle some flax seed on your yogurt in the morning, it's great source of fiber and omegas.
  • And last but certainly not least DRINK MORE WATER!! 
Don't get discouraged if you cheat a bit, it's extremely difficult to eat 100% clean. But, even tweaking your diet here and there helps.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Top Three Weight Loss Tips

It's already almost March, one month closer to bikini season. Bikini bodies are made in the Winter!

me late summer 2012

1. Stay away from calorie counting and dieting: This may seem unconventional, and I am certainly not advising to not pay attention to calorie intake. But, once you start using those fitness pal apps and celeb diets, you are forgetting that this is a lifestyle change. Diets are temporary, if you want results you need to change your mindset and your nutrition completely. Don't worry about how many calories you're eating, just make sure the calories are good. Try and eat clean, stay away from processed grains and snacks, eat for fuel.

2. Stay off the scale!!! : The only time I ever get my weight taken is at the doctors. I try and stay off the scale as much as possible, because it's not an accurate source to judging weight loss. Ever since I started incorporating strength training and continued the INSANITY program, I have gained five pounds. I have gained weight, yes, but I have dropped a pants size and went from a size medium shirt to an xs/small. Muscle DOES weigh more than fat, and if you are exercising properly and regularly in combination with a clean diet, you will lose the weight. Make sure to take a before picture, and keep a pair of jeans aside. Try the jeans on once a month, take another picture once a month. You'll see the differences in your body, regardless of the number on the scale. 

3.  Run, don't walk.: This last one I find incredibly important. We have been taught that any exercise is good exercise, and of course I agree with that. I'd rather see someone walk a mile than drive, or spend their lunch break on an elliptical instead of eating fast food. However, if you really want to trim that fat you need to get your heart rate up. If you usually walk at a medium pace for an hour each day, start cutting that time in half and running instead. Find your target heart rate, and try to maintain it. Also, don't rely completely on cardio. Cardio is important for weight loss, but the toning up all comes with the strength training. 

Ditch the scale, delete your calorie counts, and get moving. 

The best and worst on protein bars

Protein bars are becoming more and more popular as a quick on-the-go meal replacement or snack. Most make claims on being "all natural" and healthy, however, a disturbing amount of bars on the market are unhealthy and packed with artificial ingredients. I chose to focus on both Quest and Cliff bars, based on popularity and comparable factors. Now here's the surprise, the cliff bar is one of the WORST bars you can purchase. If you aren't planning on running a 10k or doing a triathlon, the sugar content in Cliff bars is off the chart and unnecessary. They are 240 calories, not bad.... but 23 grams of sugar and 43g of carb. To put that in perspective for you, one regular sized Hershey's chocolate bar has 22 grams of sugar. On top of that, the Cliff bar only packs on 10 grams of protein, not much when other protein sources usually have 20-30g.

But, don't fear! You don't have to sacrifice laziness and ditch the bar completely, there is one great option... Quest bars. They are not as popular as others such as Luna or Cliff, but they are packed with protein (20g) and most either have a small amount of sugar alcohols or no sugar at all. They also contain half the amount of carbs as the competitors. They are 170 calories and have a variety of awesome flavors such as strawberry cheesecake, banana nut muffin, and cinnamon roll. Who needs a boring chocolate chip cliff bar when you can have coconut cashew? The only disadvantage I have noticed with the Quest bars is they do contain up to 16g of fiber. That's a whole lot of fiber. But, it definitely keeps you full.

So, next time you're grabbing your protein bar at the local store make sure you check the ingredients, I don't know about you but if I am better off eating a snickers bar over a protein bar, I'll pass.

Friday, February 15, 2013

My Top Five Work Out Essentials

Good morning! Yesterday was Valentine's Day, another excuse to eat more chocolate with a side of feelings. Today is a new day. Although I will probably do individual posts on the following items, I wanted to create a basic "top five" go-to supplements I use daily. Feel free to ask questions on any product. Like I mentioned in my first post, I am a GNC employee, so most of the products I list will be available at any local GNC, and some can be found elsewhere as well. These are just the products I have done the most research on, use personally, and trust.


  • I can't accurately express the importance of taking a multi-vitamin regularly. It may seem fairly obvious to some people, but I am constantly surprised by the amount of people that do not take one regularly. My favorite was "No, but I drink a vitamin water daily." Most claim that they get enough nutrients from their diet alone, and that is just simply not true. Most foods bought today are so over processed they don't even begin to reach the recommended daily intake. The multi is especially important when active, because the body gets depleted of nutrients through sweat. 
2. CLA 
  • There are a lot of natural supplements that come in and out of this industry, most recently through Dr. Oz. CLA is one I fully endorse. CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, something that is found in grass fed red meat. However, you'd have to chow down on some serious cow to get the quantity needed. In combination with diet and exercise, CLA promotes and helps maintain lean muscle mass. Stick with it, this is not a quick fix, CLA takes at least a month to start working. 
  • The pre-workout is one that I have only recently started hanging with. Part of me still believes if you have the endurance and motivation already then why add the stimulants..... but then I tried it. Most pre-workouts contain a combination of b-vitamins, about as much caffeine as three cups of coffee, beta-alanine, and some (like c4) contain creatine nitrates. There are some disadvantages to this including irregular heart beat and skin irritation from the beta-alanine. However, they are great for endurance and maintaining your target heart rate. The ones in the photo are the pre-workouts I personally find work best through product reviews and being a guinea pig.


  • Like, the multi, I can't stress the importance of post work out protein enough. I'll break down the different types of protein in a future post, but the Amp Wheybolic Extreme is one I back hard. Protein is essential for recovery. A lot of females tend to steer away from it because of the extra calorie intake, but your body needs the protein for both recovery and muscle growth. It is important to pick the right brand. Stay away from Muscle Milk, you're better off eating a Snickers bar. I chose Wheybolic because it's low calorie (90 per scoop) and has both amino acids and leucine, as well as a fast absorption rate. If you don't like the taste with just water, cut with half skim or almond milk. Try to aim for 30 minutes after your work out.
5. L-Carnitine
  • L-Carnitine is considered to be in the amino acid family, however unlike other amino acids it's primary function is to transport long-chain fatty acids to provide energy. So, it helps boost that metabolism and increases the use of fat as energy. A natural supplement that helps burn fat? Can't get much better than that. It also helps with recovery and reduces certain health risks associated with the heart. 

I'm warning you, this lifestyle isn't cheap. A good protein alone can run you anywhere from 40-75$, but remember, it's for your health. It's much easier to justify when you know you're doing good for yourself. The pair of shoes can wait another week.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to cut calories on vacation

Ok, trust me, I get it, you're on vacation, you are SUPPOSED to splurge on the rum drinks, Americanized portions, happy hours, and edible garnishes. But, do you really want to take those extra pounds back home with you? Nothing says "Honey, I'm home" like a difficult to button pair of jeans. On average, both men and women gain up to five pounds while on vacation. While I fully endorse the tendencies of letting go, treating yourself and "work hard, play hard" there are many simple ways to cut corners and hundreds of calories to avoid that unwanted weight gain. Some may be fairly obvious, but overlooked through justification.

1. Take the stairs: I discovered this one on accident, due to my elevator phobia. Let's be clear, I am not saying truck up fourteen flights of steps if you're staying in a high rise hotel. But, if you are on the 4th or 5th floor you don't have much excuse. If you think about how many trips you take to and from the pool alone, you can put in perspective the amount of calories burned vs the elevator. 

2. Say goodbye to the automobile life: Walk! Bike! Most vacation resorts try to make bars, restaurants, groceries stores, etc in close distance to attract more vacationers. Forget you rented that old Grandpa car and get some fresh air. Walk the beach, bike to the store. And hey.. you'll be helping the environment too.

3. Say no to the appetizers: The fried coconut shrimp, artichoke dips, quesadillas all look, sound, and taste delicious... but are essentially a waste of up to 500/600 calories. Choose one or the other. If you'd rather get two appetizers over an entree, live it up, but don't pack on an appetizer to an already oversized entree. Your waistline doesn't need it.

4. Always say yes to the veggies: Restaurants like to make you think you are are getting more than you pay for, which is a double edged sword because it usually results in an extra significant amount of calories. Plate portions are out of control, and usually provide the surprise side dish you didn't know about. Oh, I get a chive and sour creamed covered potato too? Sure, if it's free. The potato may sound appetizing but remember, it's not why you ordered your entree. Instead, stick to the veggie. If you feel compelled to eat more, at least you're scraping the plate of nutrients and not added fats.

Finally, last but not least, don't be afraid to order substitutions. If you go for the pina colada, ask if they have slimmer options. Most bartenders and wait staff understand.. and if they don't, well screw them in a week you'll never see them again. Remember what is important. There is a fine line between "work hard, play hard" and just overindulgence. You worked hard to look good in that bikini for vacation, embrace it.

My fitness journey

Growing up with both a doctor and a health professor in the family, fitness and nutrition were drilled into me at an early age. However, like many others, I struggled with my relationship with food. I suffered from binge eating, emotional eating, and weight gain throughout the end of the highschool and into college. It has always been difficult for me to find the balance between over indulgence and eating to live, but I learned through extensive research of products, supplements, and a lifestyle change that it IS possible to meet your goals. Now, fitness and nutrition are not only my passions, but my way of life. I have transformed my body and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. I will be posting personal progress pictures as I train and push myself harder everyday.

Me early Jan 2011 and now Feb 2013: 

I am using this blog to not only share my stories and research, but others successes as well. I am 24 years old, and a current GNC employee with a nutrition certification and extensive knowledge of this lifestyle. Feel free to request posts and ask questions. Goals aren't always easy to achieve, but can be with the proper information and motivation. 

Make your body. Make your life. Make yourself.