Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Surviving the 9-5

I need to start this off by apologizing for my lack of posts. Life got hectic and I recently started a new job. However, I have not lost sight of my goals and passion. I left GNC with a new respect for the supplement industry, and went into a new career. The transition from retail to an office job was quite the interesting one, as I realized just how easy it is to let yourself go at a desk job. Sitting for eight hours, the constant temptations, and the lack of energy at the end of the day are all excuses I am now very familiar with... so it gave me a little blog inspiration. I know it's hard to find the motivation when work becomes your life, but that's just it, don't let work become your life. You are in control of your life, your body, and your goals. Are there going to be days you don't want to get up that extra hour early to work out? Yes. Are there going to be days you reach for the take out menu with your coworkers? Yes. But you can tweak the other days just enough that it won't ruin everything you've worked hard for. Trust me.. I am there. 

So, I thought of a few tips to help stay on track.
How to Survive the Daily Grind
1. WAKE UP AND GET MOVING: This is by far the most difficult, but also the most rewarding. No one wants to see 5am on their alarm clock when they could see 6 or 7, but I promise you, the benefits far exceed that extra hour of shut eye. Not only do you burn calories and fat early in the day to set your metabolism soaring through the morning, but it also boosts your energy levels. When I first started my job I attempted to work out after the 530pm rush hour traffic. I was cranky, tired, and had been dreading the work out all day. It became a chore. Once I started adjusting to the earlier wake up and work out I went bouncing on into work while others dragged their feet and gathered around the coffee pots. I also knew that my work out was done for the day. I could go home, kick my feet up after a long day, and turn on the mindless television, because I deserved it. You don't have to get yourself to the gym if that's too far out of your morning routine. It's September, the morning air is crisp and cool enough to get you layered up and stripping down at the end of a good run. Run a solid 12 minute mile and boom- approx 100 calories burned, and only 12 minutes taken out of your day. 
2. EAT BREAKFAST: Skipping breakfast to cut calories is the ultimate no-no. This is the time of day that you can afford to pack on a carbohydrate and fill up a bit. You have all day to burn it off. You also need to fuel your body early on to get your metabolism working. There are endless studies that show that skipping breakfast can actually hinder your weight loss goals.
3. PACK A LUNCH: To me this is a no brainer. Yes, it can be a hassle to put in the effort of making your lunch for the next day after working all day. My advice is to meal prep it all on Sunday and becomes best friends with tupperware, or just get it over with as soon as you get home from work. Either way, you're saving both calories and money.. it's a win/win. You may think you are doing right by choosing the chicken and broccoli from the local Chinese food restaurant, but if you make that exact meal at home you shed calories, sodium, sugar, and dollars.
4. BRING YOUR OWN SNACKS: Step away from the vending machines. Stock your drawers with healthy options, so if you can't fight the urge to snack, you at least put something good in your body. My suggestions would be Trader Joe's Omega Nut Mix or 100 calorie almond packs. Nuts are packed with healthy fats, and keep you fuller longer. 
5. STICK WITH STEVIA: I know black coffee is repulsive to most, and let's face it, a majority of full time employees are headed straight to the coffee maker in the morning. If you like it sweet, buy liquid or packs of stevia sweetener. It is a low calorie sweetener that won't give you cancer or rot your insides like Splenda or Sweet n Low. Also try to bring your own skim milk if possible. 
6. ADD A CUP OF GREEN TEA: Are you a victim of the 3pm crash? Forget the five hour energy and Starbucks latte. Keep a box of green tea in your desk drawer and grab some hot water. The green tea will give you a little caffeine boost without keeping you up all night, and the antioxidants are shown to help aid in weight loss. If you really want to help boost your metabolism squeeze some fresh lemon in it too, it helps detoxify the body and enhance the antioxidant benefits. 

and last but not least...
7. FIND A FITNESS PAL!: Chances are you aren't the only one in the office that is trying to shed a few pounds. Reaching your goals is always easier when you have some support. Find a friend that will help you reach them. Together you two (or more!) can help each other resist the snacking, take out menus, and maybe even walk together on your lunch breaks.

I know it's hard to find the time, but once you start the routine and see the results, you will have a harder time looking back. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Guilt Free Wine & Dine

When I graduated Emerson College two years ago, I tried to leave the cafeteria food, frozen dinners, 2am pizza, poor diet, and buffet lines back in Boston. However, there are definitely still some nights when all i want is a good friend, some laughs, and some restaurant food porn. Society has become increasingly aware of the obesity crisis and healthy options are more tangible. However, there are still some basic ways to cut those unwanted calories and enjoy your dining experience without having to unbutton your pants or end the night in a food coma. 

Rule #1: Don't drink your calories: Always stick to water. Drinking one full glass of water before a big meal can help slow down the eating process, and get your fuller faster. Why spend that extra two bucks on a soda when you can help increase your metabolism and hydrate for free?

Rule #2: The booze: Offer to be the designated driver and you can avoid this completely, but if you feel compelled to get your buzz on try to stick to a red/white wine or vodka soda. Yes, Sex in the City makes those Cosmos pair perfectly with the gossip, but they have absolutely no nutritional value (sorry, the added fruit garnish is not a justification.)

Rule #3: Say no to the bread!! : Self explanatory, don't even look at those free dinner rolls. 

Rule #4: Skip the appetizer: This is a hard one for me, because I usually dine out later than my normal expected dinner time and my stomach lets me know. I drool over the dips and finger foods screaming my name from the first page of the menu. But, remember your entree is coming only about fifteen minutes after the appetizer. Sip on your water, distract yourself with conversation, and if you feel you can't resist, stick to a small salad with a light dressing on the side. 

Rule #5: Stick to the green sides: Most of the time we don't pay attention to the side dishes offered, because we are so focused on what we ordered. Most entrees come with options for both a carb and vegetable side. Although carbs are not your enemy, the selections in restaurants are usually pretty unhealthy. If possible try to order two vegetables, or just one side.

Rule #6: You don't have to clear your plate: This isn't a competition, you don't HAVE to finish all of the food on your plate. 

Rule #7: BYOD: Bring your own dessert. You're already full, why pack on an extra 600-800 calories on a sliver of pie. I usually pack a small portion of dark chocolate, or order a coffee. This way you are still part of the dessert experience, without having to sacrifice diet.

I know these rules aren't for everyone. Sometimes, you need to let go and have a cheat meal. But, even by following just one or two of these tips, you can slice off hundreds of calories and grams of sugar without even noticing the difference. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Progress time!

Working out doesn't need to be something you dread! This morning I took an eight mile bike ride down the shore. Did I work as hard as I would if I were doing Insanity? No, but I got to enjoy the fresh air and scenery. Plus, it's always good to change up your routine! After this ride I refueled and then hit the weights for 30 minutes followed by a one mile walk. Besides one night this month, I have stuck to my "no drinking" goal. I have seen significant difference in my stomach, which is my trouble zone. 

LEFT: 4 months ago RIGHT: today 

Have I reached my goal? No. Is my body perfect? Certainly not. Am I discouraged? Absolutely not. Transforming your body is something that requires dedication and patience. I know that everyday I am working towards MY personal goals, ignoring negativity, and hopefully helping to inspire. Write down your goals and wake up everyday knowing you're one step closer. 

Be better than you were yesterday.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Workout Jams

Ok, I'll admit it, there are some days I just can NOT find the motivation to get going. The days when going up the steps to get my sneakers on seems like a work out in itself. When there is no pre-workout in close reach, I rely on the second best motivator to get my heart pumping and legs moving- music. So, I turned to friends, social media, and added some of my personal favorites and compiled a short list of what I have found to be some of the top work out songs. Whether it's pop, hip hop, rock, or metal, these songs will keep you going that extra mile or one more rep. Because let's face it, sometimes we all need a little extra motivation. 

Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run (I'm from Jersey, do you really think this wouldn't be the first song?)
Eminem- Lose Yourself
Kings of Leon- Sex on Fire
Kanye West- Power
M83- Midnight City
Calvin Harris and Florence Welch- Sweet Nothing
Jedi Mind Tricks - Animal Rap (personal favorite for my hip hop lovers)
Ram Jam- Black Betty
Passion Pit- Sleepyhead
Peter Bjorn and John- Young Folks
Missy Elliot- Get Your Freak On
Guns N Roses- Sweet Child of Mine
The Black Keys- Lonely Boy
Adele- Rolling in The Deep (because we all have an ex or two)
Kid Cudi- Cudi Zone
Thy Art is Murder- Reign of Darkness 
Mac Miller- Donald Trump
Iron Maiden- Run to the Hills 
Journey- Don't Stop Believing (thanks, Dad!)
Katy Perry- Firework
MGMT- Electric Feel
Lenny Kravitz- Are You Gonna Go My Way
Nirvana- Smells Like Teen Spirit

There is definitely no order to this selection, but find what works for you, turn up the volume, and dig deeper. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Resist the Binge

Left when I binged frequently, Right when I learned how to say no.

The basics: It's important to lay out exactly what I mean by "binging." This is not splurging on a cheat meal or a few slices of pizza with your friends, this is stuffing your face for all of the wrong reasons. I used to be a victim of the binge, and still slip up from time to time. Binging is usually triggered emotionally. I binged when I was upset, stressed, or feeling discouraged… anything but hungry. Not only are the hundreds, sometimes thousands, of empty calories consumed unhealthy, but the guilt and depression that comes post-binge is what makes this disorder so dangerous. Unlike bulimia, binging does not lead to purging. The binge leaves nothing but negative feelings and low self esteem. Triggers come abruptly. Therefore, I wanted to break down some strategies for resisting the binge.
  • Get enough sleep: Sundays were my worst enemy. The "day of rest" in your 20s is sometimes only lazy due to the lack of sleep from the weekend adventures. Your body does not react to this sleeplessness well, in fact you actually crave carbohydrates most when you are overtired. Instead of going to the pantry, I have learned the value of a good power nap.
  • Take a walk: Feel like you can't get that fridge out of your mind? Go for a walk. Sometimes all it takes is a redirection or change of focus to stop a binge.
  • Chew gum: Chewing gum can satisfy the oral fixation that comes with overeating.
  • Keep a food diary: You're less likely to keep eating if you take the time to write down all of the damage done.
  • Find support!: You'd be surprised how many others suffer from this disorder. You don't have to seek out a meeting or hotline to find support, social media offers a variety of different sources for bingers, and sometimes all you need to do is a call a friend.
Ok, I get it. All of this can be easier said than done. Can't fight the willpower? The solution could be simple… binge on the good stuff. Pull out all of the vegetables in your fridge and go to town. Am I saying this will curb your desire to binge? Maybe not, but the time spent on the good stuff can balance the bad, and stop some of the extra calories consumed later on. 

My most important rule of thumb --- If you couldn't resist, learn to move on. Be better than you were yesterday. Focus on your progress and move forward.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Motivation Monday!

It's Monday, I am feeling motivated and focused. Anyone who knows me knows I am a firm believer in the "work hard, play hard" lifestyle. I wanted to share a few of my favorite products, meals, and treats for the month of April to keep the happy Spring vibes, without doing too much damage to your waistline. 

  • Favorite Supplement:  

  •  I have always been a big fan of BPI products. They make some great pre-workouts, and I could drink their Blox (recovery amino acid blend) forever. B4 is a fat burner, and usually I am not one to promote weight loss pills. But, this one I use mostly has a pre-workout. Taken 20-30 minutes before a work out, this supplement is a great source of energy without giving you the jitters and added chemicals that are in some pre-workout powders. As a fat burner on non-training days, I prefer it over others because of it's dopamine effects. It keeps me in a good mood, without the heart palpitations. If you do decide to give this product a try I recommend skipping on the coffee. One pill delivers the same caffeine consumption as three cups.

  • Favorite treat:
    Let me start off by saying, this "treat" isn't actually a treat at all. I have been promoting Quest bars frequently both on this blog and to friends. They are a great source of protein with little carbs, no sugars, and clean ingredients. I have been a loyal customer for months now, and then they went and took it to the next level with the new cookie dough flavor. Pop that bar in the microwave, or break into little balls and bake in the oven and it's transformed into a gooey, delicious cookie dough delight that disguises itself as a sweet tooth craving without any of the added guilt.

  • Favorite meal: To complement the bright colors of Spring, my favorite meal this month is rich in both color and nutrients. Tilapia is a body builder's best friend. It's a lean fish that's low in calorie. And even better- it's easy. My favorite recipe this month is a foil packed tilapia bake. I take one or two filets, wrap them in foil with lemon juice, herbs (thyme and rosemary work well) garlic, zucchini, tomatoes, olives, capers, and whatever other vegetable I desire and bake at 425 for about 20 minutes. A simple low calorie dish that doesn't skimp on flavor.
  • Favorite beverage: It's all about the green tea. Double the bags up, brew, pour over ice, add some lemon wedges and you have a citrus, detoxifying, and metabolism boosting drink packed with antioxidants. It's a refreshing and great alternative to the hot coffee on these warmer mornings. Cancer fighting, weight loss promoting, and easy to drink? I'll take it. 
  • Favorite cocktail: This is where the work hard, play hard comes in big time. Alcohol is a no-no in the fitness world for it's empty calories and sugars. Not to mention alcohol itself provides literally no nutritional value. With that said, it's almost summer. I enjoy life, I am a baseball fan, and I am in my mid-20s. I like a drink or two. If i were to suggest a favorite cocktail I'd keep it simple with the vodka and club soda. Add a lemon or lime for the citrus and stick to an unflavored vodka to steer away from the extra sugars. I also love white wine in the summer. Add a few blueberries for extra flavor and superfood benefits.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A New Voice

While I try to redirect my energy and focus back into my own personal fitness goals after a short lived rut of bad diet (see, we all slip up!), I decided to call upon my colleagues for inspiration. I wanted to find someone who could guest post on here about something I am unfamiliar with. Luckily, I immediately knew who to turn to. Becca Regan is friend from college who I have always admired for her rock hard bod and determination to keep it. This is the girl you could count on to dance and party with, but still see up and running and sweating the night off the next morning. She is fierce and I was lucky enough to have her agree to set some time aside of her post-undergrad life to write me up something about her views on the new phenomenon that is Crossfit... and this is what I received.

Crossfit-My gift to ME at age 23

Some accuse it of being a cult. I can certainly understand an outsiders perspective- hearing about ‘WOD’s and ‘PR’s and gym drama and who got their muscle up this week. Maybe its your co worker, sibling, old friend, or that annoying girl on the bus wearing her Reebok bling-ed out lifting shoes, visually assaulting you with her love for Crossfit.  Its obnoxious, yet maybe you noticed for the first time today her chiseled shoulders. Was her stomach always that flat? She’s standing taller, isn’t she? And ill tell you why- she’s working hard. And Crossfit is working for her.
That isn’t me, by the way. I was the secretly (or not so secretly) envious cynical observer. A recent college grad that moved back home, with a tight budget from a job- not the job of my dreams- I decided no harm could come from a free 2 week prep training test trial at Crossfit Wicked (other than a rude slap to my ego, right? …wrong.) It has been six months since I stepped foot into a Crossfit ‘box’ for the first time. Here’s what I’ve learned and love about Crossfit:
  • Meeting new people that like to DO things.

I came home from a summer job of hiking, surfing, camping, climbing, every day, to a suburban world that slowly but surely was highlighted the brutal truth- my old friends from home are turning into townies. College was a buffet of new people every day, and coming home, I suddenly realized was an essential high for me. At Crossfit, you’re subconsciously eavesdropping, and oops! Now we’re planning rock climb gym dates, or bowling teams for Friday night, or skiing trips. Sunday-Friday afternoon, I have a lot of people full of contagious good attitudes and positive peer pressure to encourage me to challenge myself to be better, be stronger (Friday night, the peer pressure takes a new direction, but there’s always a small applaud for self discipline if you opt for soda water instead of tequila).
  • It’s not for body builders.

I see more body shape and personality variety at Crossfit than any local YMCA or Gold’s gym. Maybe its just me, but it seems there is some rite of passage to take up too much space, take really long rests in between sets, and grunt like horny hogs around lifting equipment at open gyms like that. I wouldn’t have weight training stapled into my fitness routine if I were surrounded by that malarkey.  
At Crossfit, there are moms and dads, newlyweds, students, electricians, chiropractors, awkward new nurses (that’s me), librarians; athletes of all shapes and sizes, modifying weights or repetition schemes to best suit you. There’s a true sense of camaraderie as you feel awkward together, get strong together, pant through insane cardio, and complain about how sore you are from that workout you all did yesterday-together.
  • I’m saving money.

I know that sounds impossible, when Crossfit is over a hundred dollars a month at almost any box you check out. But I plan on spending that money. And I whenever I go to a class, I stick around after, socializing or practicing pull ups, or hanging out with someone’s baby while they work out; suddenly its been 2+ hours since I was home. I don’t need as much retail or ETOH therapy to cure my excess free time. And I’m working 500% harder than I would in a room of strangers and elliptical machines. I get free impromptu dietary consults, private sessions, physical therapy, from a truly knowledgeable community.
  • I’m trying new moves and new food.  

True story: I never did a handstand in my life before Crossfit.  I’ve done yoga arm balances galore, but the whole ‘put your body in a position so that when you fall you feel like you’ll break your neck’ was never my thing. But I’m learning (Usually still against a wall, but making progress).
Because a lot of people theme most of their diet around Paleo style (no dairy, no grains, whatever nomad caveman could spear down or stumble upon growing in a field), I find recipes and free samples from Crossfit folk, and for the first time, actually regularly eat vegetables- and enjoy it!
Coconut water is the ultimate hangover cure- But maybe you already knew that.
Do you like bacon? Then Crossfit wants you…
There is an obsession with bacon, so extreme that I don’t even quite understand it. But I respect it. I’ve now sampled bacon-wrapped dates, bacon wrapped turkey, bacon donuts, bacon sweet potato fries, bacon chocolate…you name it, its been done, and forced upon me to sample (no, I wouldn’t say they are all great ideas…but I wouldn’t say that to any bacon fanatic’s face either).
  • I am achieving the ‘me’ I had once watched float on the indefinite horizon of ‘tomorrows’.

I’m not the bikini-model rock hard body that I’d like to be (yet), but I’ve found myself in a healthy relationship with my mind and body, perhaps for the first time ever.  I wake up and smile at the mirror- at my newfound butt, and even at the flabby parts as a scheme how to improve. When I went rock-climbing for the first time in a year, I was finishing inverted cave climbs that I could hardly start before! Old running injuries are no longer incapacitating my workout routine, but trumped by the strength I’ve developed around my hips and core. This new found mental and physical power is thanks to my team of Crossfitters, a FAMILY that has incredible faith in my abilities. The support is loving, empowering, and addictive. And draws me back for more everyday.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Taking Tips from the Easter Bunny

The holidays are a good justification for over-indulgence, and even some “light” recipes can set you back a few extra hundred calories. My two cents on the Easter holiday is this – keep it colorful, keep it green, keep Spring in mind. It’s very easy to overlook this during Christmas and the Winter holidays. We are all snuggled up in sweats with family, a little less aware of the extra body fat keeping us warm as we sip our egg nog by the fire. However, Easter brings the signs of warmer weather, less clothing, and summer holidays to follow. Why hold yourself back with sweets and heavy foods this holiday knowing we’re only a few weeks away from showing off those legs and arms? Even minor tweaks in your family style Easter dinner can help your waistline and keep you guilt free.

The bunny has the right idea- why not swap out one of those potato side dishes for another vegetable? Like I mentioned earlier, my rule of thumb is the more color on the plate the better. Some healthy and delicious choices:
  •  Glazed mini carrots: A simple and easy way to eat the basic Easter bunny staple. Try to stay away from brown sugar when sweetening, stick to honey and lemon juice. You can also add parsley for an extra spice and color. If you feel compelled to use butter, try and stick to 2 teaspoons or less.
  • Green beans and slivered almonds: Always my holiday go-to. It’s easy to make and always a hit. Simply add a small amount of olive oil to the beans and some garlic, bake and serve with slivered almonds for texture and healthy taste.

A few other considerations when cooking and baking your feast:
  •  Easter eggs!! : As mentioned in previous posts, eggs are a powerhouse of protein and nutritional benefits. Easter is the perfect time to take advantage of those freshly dyed eggs. Try making a healthy alternative to the deviled egg by swapping the mayo for plain yogurt. You can also use sliced hard-boiled eggs with tomato as an appetizer.
  •   Keep the main course the focus. Stay clear of the enormous amounts of cheese and crackers, dips, and spreads. There is no reason to fill yourself up on these empty calories before the meal even begins.
  •  When cooking try to swap the salt or sugar for herbs and spices. You can avoid salt by using fresh parsley or thyme. Honey makes for a good baking substitute as well as nutmeg, cinnamon, and orange/lemon zest.
  •  Trade the butter lamb for avocado slices. It’s unique, and a prominent calorie and saturated fat saver. Avocados have the same consistency as the butter and can be used as spread, while incorporating the super food’s healthy fats and oil benefits.
  • Try to purchase an uncured and unprocessed ham. As you know, I am not a meat eater, but I do know that spending a few extra bills on a quality meat can be both healthy and beneficial to your heart.
  •  Is your table still lacking a carb? Try a sweet potato casserole instead of the traditional heavy cream based, white potato. The sweet potato is packed full of nutrients such as vitamin C, D, and B6, while remaining lower calorie.
  • The dessert spread may be unavoidable, and could leave many guests cranky and unsatisfied if the dessert option isn’t there. Like I said, try to substitute sugar whenever possible, and add a fresh fruit mix. Chew a piece of gum or have a peppermint when the dinner is over, and you'll feel less compelled to reach for the sweets.

 For many it's near impossible to create a completely clean holiday dinner for guests when some are not as health conscious as others. But, these minor tweaks can help everyone remain happy, satisfied, and grateful on this Easter Sunday.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Top Five Superfoods

The weather is starting to warm up, the foliage is starting to bloom, and some are staring at their bikini and shorts drawer not quite ready to strip off the jeans and sweaters. In honor of both National Nutrition Month and the upcoming first day of Spring, I wanted to narrow down a basic top five must-have's from the grocery store. The reality is, I am 24 and single, therefore it's a little easier for me to get away with spending the cash when I am cooking for one. So, I wanted to keep the price range in mind and keep it simple. These five items won't break the bank, and can be used in various recipes. You won't see red meat or chicken on my list- sorry meat eaters! I stick to a pescetarian diet.

1. Salmon: I admit it, I am a total salmon junkie. Smoked for breakfast, baked or grilled for dinner, in a salad, in a wrap, over spinach. It's my absolute number one go-to. It's a lean fish packed with omega 3s fatty acids. The trick is to try and stick with the sockeye, and away from the farm raised options. It may cost you a couple extra bucks, but it's worth it for the nutrients. Unlike tuna, salmon is not high in mercury, so it's okay to incorporate it in your diet daily. Toss it in the oven with some lemon, dill, and garlic and you'll have a quick and healthy meal in under 30 minutes.

2. Eggs: I am sure most athletes can agree on the benefits of eating eggs. High protein, great energy, various ways of eating. However, I am a little unconventional with the egg, and I keep the yolk in. I know egg whites get a lot of hype because they contain less cholesterol, but the yolk also contains high levels of lutein and the nutritional values. I have had the argument with many professionals, and know that the egg yolk controversy is one better left for the Internet polls. 

3. Quinoa- Quinoa is my choice of grain. I try to add it to more dinner plates for an extra, healthy carbohydrate. It also contains nine essential amino acids, and is claimed to help with controlling belly fat. Like most carbs, the calorie count can get high in excess, so try to stick to 1/4 cup. I like to toss it in with shrimp and spinach for a mock pasta dinner dish. 

4. Berries - I live in New Jersey, we tend to be blueberry snobs… and luckily for good reason. Blueberries are packed full of antioxidants and only run you about 85 calories to a cup. They are an extremely popular superfood that supports metabolism and weight loss. I also love raspberries and blackberries for their low calorie and nutritional benefits as well. Try adding to your smoothies or yogurt for an extra sweetness. I also go for dark chocolate covered blueberries when I am craving that after dinner dessert. 

5. Greek Yogurt - Greek yogurt has been recently heavily commercialized and endorsed by nutritionists everywhere for its probiotic and digestion help and weight loss benefits. The problem with some of the yogurts on the market is their high sugar content. Try to stick to the basic non-fat unflavored greek yogurt and add a small amount of honey or blueberries to sweeten. It's a great breakfast or dessert choice, and helps with bloating.