Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Surviving the 9-5

I need to start this off by apologizing for my lack of posts. Life got hectic and I recently started a new job. However, I have not lost sight of my goals and passion. I left GNC with a new respect for the supplement industry, and went into a new career. The transition from retail to an office job was quite the interesting one, as I realized just how easy it is to let yourself go at a desk job. Sitting for eight hours, the constant temptations, and the lack of energy at the end of the day are all excuses I am now very familiar with... so it gave me a little blog inspiration. I know it's hard to find the motivation when work becomes your life, but that's just it, don't let work become your life. You are in control of your life, your body, and your goals. Are there going to be days you don't want to get up that extra hour early to work out? Yes. Are there going to be days you reach for the take out menu with your coworkers? Yes. But you can tweak the other days just enough that it won't ruin everything you've worked hard for. Trust me.. I am there. 

So, I thought of a few tips to help stay on track.
How to Survive the Daily Grind
1. WAKE UP AND GET MOVING: This is by far the most difficult, but also the most rewarding. No one wants to see 5am on their alarm clock when they could see 6 or 7, but I promise you, the benefits far exceed that extra hour of shut eye. Not only do you burn calories and fat early in the day to set your metabolism soaring through the morning, but it also boosts your energy levels. When I first started my job I attempted to work out after the 530pm rush hour traffic. I was cranky, tired, and had been dreading the work out all day. It became a chore. Once I started adjusting to the earlier wake up and work out I went bouncing on into work while others dragged their feet and gathered around the coffee pots. I also knew that my work out was done for the day. I could go home, kick my feet up after a long day, and turn on the mindless television, because I deserved it. You don't have to get yourself to the gym if that's too far out of your morning routine. It's September, the morning air is crisp and cool enough to get you layered up and stripping down at the end of a good run. Run a solid 12 minute mile and boom- approx 100 calories burned, and only 12 minutes taken out of your day. 
2. EAT BREAKFAST: Skipping breakfast to cut calories is the ultimate no-no. This is the time of day that you can afford to pack on a carbohydrate and fill up a bit. You have all day to burn it off. You also need to fuel your body early on to get your metabolism working. There are endless studies that show that skipping breakfast can actually hinder your weight loss goals.
3. PACK A LUNCH: To me this is a no brainer. Yes, it can be a hassle to put in the effort of making your lunch for the next day after working all day. My advice is to meal prep it all on Sunday and becomes best friends with tupperware, or just get it over with as soon as you get home from work. Either way, you're saving both calories and money.. it's a win/win. You may think you are doing right by choosing the chicken and broccoli from the local Chinese food restaurant, but if you make that exact meal at home you shed calories, sodium, sugar, and dollars.
4. BRING YOUR OWN SNACKS: Step away from the vending machines. Stock your drawers with healthy options, so if you can't fight the urge to snack, you at least put something good in your body. My suggestions would be Trader Joe's Omega Nut Mix or 100 calorie almond packs. Nuts are packed with healthy fats, and keep you fuller longer. 
5. STICK WITH STEVIA: I know black coffee is repulsive to most, and let's face it, a majority of full time employees are headed straight to the coffee maker in the morning. If you like it sweet, buy liquid or packs of stevia sweetener. It is a low calorie sweetener that won't give you cancer or rot your insides like Splenda or Sweet n Low. Also try to bring your own skim milk if possible. 
6. ADD A CUP OF GREEN TEA: Are you a victim of the 3pm crash? Forget the five hour energy and Starbucks latte. Keep a box of green tea in your desk drawer and grab some hot water. The green tea will give you a little caffeine boost without keeping you up all night, and the antioxidants are shown to help aid in weight loss. If you really want to help boost your metabolism squeeze some fresh lemon in it too, it helps detoxify the body and enhance the antioxidant benefits. 

and last but not least...
7. FIND A FITNESS PAL!: Chances are you aren't the only one in the office that is trying to shed a few pounds. Reaching your goals is always easier when you have some support. Find a friend that will help you reach them. Together you two (or more!) can help each other resist the snacking, take out menus, and maybe even walk together on your lunch breaks.

I know it's hard to find the time, but once you start the routine and see the results, you will have a harder time looking back.