NOV 2013 & JAN 2014
Hello readers, it’s a new year! For me, 2013 ended with a minor slip up in
lifestyle choices. I lost the crucial balance between proper diet and exercise.
Now with one month until my vacation, and one month into this (cold) year, I am
back and determined to be in the best shape of my life for summer of 2014. This
means more posts, more progress pictures, and less “cheat days.”
With that let me stress that summer bodies ARE made in the
winter. It’s about lifestyle choices and change, not about new fad diets, body
cleanses, and irrational restrictions. Many of us are struggling with the urge to
snack and hibernate during these cold months. So, I wanted to compile a list of
some healthy go-to snacks for every type of craving.
For the salt lovers: Popcorn is one of the snack
superfoods, with a serving of whole grains, and low calorie. Just make sure you
go for the plain popcorn, not the butter or flavored. One serving is only 25-45
calories and satisfies 1/3 of your whole grain needs. My preferred brand is the
single bags of Skinny Pop, because I personally like (need) a little portion
Edamame: These shelled soybeans are packed with 4g of fiber
per cup to keep you fuller longer. They also are high protein, and only add
about 100 calories per cup. You can heat them up or keep them cool, but try to
stay clear of adding the salt to avoid bloat.
Savory: Trader Joes Raisin Rosemary Crackers topped with a
Laughing Cow Wedge- This hits the spot for anyone craving something savory. The
raisin rosemary compliments the cheese, without adding too many calories and
Sweet: Baked Apple Chips! This is my favorite snack to make
on a lazy Sunday. Cut apple slices very thin, sprinkle with cinnamon, and let
bake for 45-60 minutes on at 275 degrees. They are satisfyingly sweet with all
of the added health benefits.
A TIP- Drink one full glass of water 15 minutes before reaching for the snack, you could just be
mistaking your hunger for thirst.